
Pumpkin Patch 2016

As always the year just flew by. I feel like once you hit October, it all passes in the blink of an eye. Oct. 2016 we went out to the Cal PolyPomona Pumpkin Patch. To be honest, It took a lot out of me to actually get us up and out of the house to take some pumpkin patch pictures. In no way do I mean to sound whiney but MAN! having a toddler and an infant can be so draining. Just the thought of shopping for outfits for the kids and getting everyone ready is exhausting! I almost didn’t get out to the pumpkin patch this year. Honestly, thank God for my older sister. She always keeps us (Sarah & I) motivated and encourages us to get her nieces(& nephew) out of the house to make memories. Once its all said & done I’m happy to have captured these moments. The good thing is that we went the week after the big festivities. I wanted to avoid large crowds and get some clean shots of the kiddos. We had a fun time. My hubby even made it out this year with us! That made me so happy, he works so much I feel like I don’t get to many good pics with him.

2016 was extra special because it was Amaris’s first trip to the pumpkin patch.

Might I say, she was the cutest little pumpkin in that patch 😉


It’s so sweet to see the kids running around and just enjoying life. Theres nothing like experiencing life’s moments and milestones with the ones that you love.


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