
Emmanuel Turns 5

It never matters what time of the year it is, if I start thinking about how fast my baby boy is growing up I get so sad! So when his birthday comes around there are definitely some tears. Ive been a mom all of my “adult” life. I still remembers the looks I would get when they saw me, an 18 year old girl, with a baby. I don’t think they realized how much of a better person that little boy made me and how much meaning in life I felt I had. I never knew how much God can love me until I felt the love I had for my own child. He has been my biggest blessing.

There are times when i’m hard on myself as his mom. Wishing I would have done more for him on certain days but he is so full of love and grace. He’s always telling me how much he loves me and is so affectionate. When I am down he is there to cheer me up reminding me that “Jesus loves me”. In those moments I know I may not be a perfect parent but I must be doing something right. I know he needs me but I don’t think he realizes I need him so much more.!!!

I love watching him explore new places and gain new interests. He was so excited for his birthday this year and was set on super mario brother theme. I have to give credit to party city this year as this mom was too tired to DIY anything this year :O (sisters 1st birthday was A LOT of work & $ lol ) As much as he loves choosing his themes he loves having his cousins and friends over even more. He is such a social little guy always meeting new friends in new places. We can be on the bus and he will converse with anyone. lol I want to always remember that about him. He sure knows how to brighten up someones day.

Here are some shots of his small but fun last min. bday party. He had a blast and was proud of himself for not crying when he lost a game. LOL (can’t say the same about last year.)


& because I didn’t get to capture his previous days on my blog I thought Id add a few pics of his birthdays. I love you little man you are my whole world!


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