
Another ONE…

It’s like a bad case of deja-vu… another baby turning one. I’m sure so many can relate… Time can be a funny thing! Sometimes we want it to go by faster other times we want it to slow down. I can never stress the importance of just basking in every minute and every day regardless of the circumstances surrounding it. There is something to be learned in all seasons in life that only time can bring. The most important lessons come from the first year of raising a baby. Here’s a few things I’ve learned & re-learned (for the third time) 🙂

Life is Precious. Have you ever looked into a baby’s eyes? Sweet bliss and innocence ❤️ you just want to protect them from all the bad stuff this world has. You learn to value not just this life but all the lives around you. I always tell myself “she/he is someone’s baby”. Be sweet, be kind.

Patience is a virtue. Why be angry when you can be happy? Sure, I’m screaming “NO MATTHEWWW!” As I’m cleaning up spilled food all over the floor. But really My smile and eyes are saying “I LOVE YOUR CRAZY SOUL!” It is so amazing watching your baby learn new things and seeing his curious eyes and hands explore this new world. Sure, the messes are endless and you’re saying “no” 100 times a day, but remember, you play a huge part in shaping this little being. I get a kick out of seeing my baby shake his head left and right like wild while saying “noooooo” (just like momma) but with a HUGE smile. have a good balance of love and discipline.


Here to serve. Whether I like it or not lol. Being a mommy is very selfless. Let’s just say I don’t remember the last time I’ve showered alone and I have to eat standing up half the time But really, there is something about being depended on that keeps me going and motivated. When it is all said and done, the feeling of accomplishment is sooo rewarding (trust me, I know)

& the list goes on as time goes by. ..

Life is just beginning for Matthew and I couldn’t be more grateful to God giving me the opportunity to be his mommy. My prayer is that he will grow and know the God that I serve and that he too will learn these lessons and shed light in this world. He already brightens up mine…

I love you baby! Happy first birthday!

Xoxo mommy

1 thought on “Another ONE…

  1. I just love his sweet little face. One year old and on his way
    to becoming his own little person. I love your outlook on life Judy and the sweet person you are and how you teach your children to be the same. Putting your love and trust in God and letting him guide you through life and all the trials and tribulations that come your way. Never change! You are a special, loving and kind person and we all thank God you are “just you”… Love You

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